Southeast Asia and Africa

Jet Set Vets: Ivys Roman Diaz, Alison Brennan, Preeti Sambi, Mandy Yu


Our team is travelling to South Africa and Thailand this upcoming summer to participate in population control and public health programs as well as wildlife rehabilitation initiatives. We will be working in a variety of environments (from rural plains in South Africa to humid forests in Thailand) and with a variety of animals (from small domestic species like dogs to large exotic species like cheetahs). Our goal is to engage in veterinary work that is both beneficial to us and to the local communities that we are serving. We will participate in Pariah Dog Rescue’s spay-neuter program to help alleviate the burden of dog and cat overpopulation and subsequent disease spread in the region of Koh Samui, Thailand. We will also assist in preventative medicine programs to reduce future infectious disease outbreaks. We will also work closely with the Wildlife and Friends Foundation in Phetchaburi, Thailand and the Waterberg Wildlife Vets in Vaaterberg, South Africa to rehabilitate injured wildlife and to educate and inspire locals to adopt practices that protect and promote co-existence with these animals. Throughout all of these experiences, we hope gain a deeper understanding of the intricacies of human-animal relationship as well as veterinary medicine practices around the world. We also hope to expand and improve our communication skills as well as establish and strengthen our international veterinary relationships. We are very excited to participate in this fantastic opportunity to immerse ourselves in new cultures as well as grow as student veterinarians – we hope you will join us on this journey through the Global Vets blog!

Ready. Vet. Go! Melissa Herman, Hailey Hoffman, Malika Ladak, Salomon Schroeter

Sal, Mel, Hailey & Mal

Our team is very excited to be travelling to South Africa and Southeast Asia as part of the 2018 Global Vets team! Our group is interested in exploring wildlife rehabilitation and conservation medicine, population control, and the one-health approach to veterinary medicine. Through the Global Vets program, we hope to expand on our clinical skills and knowledge by learning from skilled veterinarians and animal health professionals that work with wildlife and domestic species in developing countries, as well as learn about the challenges they face on a day-to-day basis. We are equally excited to immerse ourselves in these novel cultures and environments in hope of gaining a better understanding of the connection of locals to both wildlife and domesticated animals and the role animals play in their communities. We look forward to applying our current knowledge while further developing our skills by exploring these unique opportunities abroad. We can’t wait for this amazing opportunity and are grateful we have the opportunity to contribute to international veterinary medicine as part of the Global Vets community!

Spay n’ Play: Sarah Buchanan, Abigail Picyk, Justin Arthur

Abi, Justin & Sarah 3

Our group is thrilled to have the opportunity of travelling to Africa and Southeast Asia with the Global Vets 2017-2018 team! We hope that by visiting placements such as small animal rescues, and working with wildlife veterinarians, we will make a positive impact in the areas we are travelling to. We aim to learn and promote global citizenship, while also applying skills we have learned thus far in our studies, in order to benefit the animals, wildlife and people we encounter. We are very excited to have the opportunity to experience new cultures, forge relationships and collaborate with veterinarians and locals in the communities. Your donations will be directly benefiting these communities and allowing us to promote animal health and conservation around the world.

Into the Wild: Global: Beverly Goh, Jenna Bryfonski

Bev and Jenna

We are beyond thrilled to be traveling to Africa and Southeast Asia as part of the 2018 Global Vets Team! Our team possesses particular interests in wildlife medicine, conservation, and rehabilitation. By visiting placements such as wildlife sanctuaries and rescue centres, we are hoping to leave a lasting positive impact in the field of wildlife conservation, while also encompassing initiatives to benefit the environment and local communities. We are eager to learn as much as possible from this experience, and look forward to applying and further building upon our veterinary skills while promoting worldwide wildlife preservation efforts. We hope that as a team we can contribute to making a difference in these countries, for both animals and people. We appreciate any support that will help us on the way to create such an impact.

Team One 4 All: Paula Baya, Sarah-Nicole Alsop, Emily Kaufman


We are so excited to be part of the Global Vets team and contribute to animal welfare, sustainable agriculture, population control and public health efforts in Thailand and East Africa. As a team, we hope to focus on the idea of One Health because it would be an opportunity to contribute to animal, human and environmental health. For this to be a successful experience for all involved, we feel that sharing and exchanging knowledge is the best approach to make a difference in the lives of animals and humans alike. We have no doubt that we can gain valuable experience from a variety of projects, but it is important to us that we work with locals to promote feasible solutions to animal related challenges in the communities where we volunteer. We can’t wait to help animals large and small, wild and all!